Thursday, May 30, 2013

From BTR to 24/Seven!

Words cant express how amazing it is to see our boys go such a long way in such a short time. Let's hope that 24/Seven makes 'em hit the BIG TIME and that they get the spotlight they deserve. Personally, I think that Big Time Rush has transformed into a great American Boy Band that are not only comprised of talented singers but comprised also of four young men who children can look up to as role models. In the world today, we barely have real role models for kids to follow and seeing these for boys grow into men is a thrill because every step they take, the bigger and brighter their stars shine.

Big Time Rush might not be the most popular boy band out there but seeing how much of an inspiration and a source of strength they are to people worldwide, it's very overwhelming and I myself am proud to be called a fan.

Being a rusher is not about all the awards or merits or maybe even acknowledgements they get. It's simply being their to love and support these four amazing guys who are living it big and yet keeping themselves grounded in process.

I salute to Big Time Rush and my fellow rushers worldwide because setting the fan wars, the drama and the craziness aside, we are a family and we've come together for only one thing and that's to stand hand in hand supporting our four dorks, loving to their amazing songs and enjoying the ride that is "Big Time Rush."


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